Associated with DPI/NGO of the United Nations for human rights
Founded in 1941
ICP Mission
ICP is committed to furthering world peace, promoting human rights and promoting collaboration among mental health professionals and social scientists, globally.
The mission of ICP is:
To advance the science and practice of psychology and to support the use of psychological knowledge to promote social health and justice;
To contribute to world peace and human rights for all peoples by helping to empower under-represented ethnic and culturally diverse groups;
To encourage global wellness through promotion and integration of health and mental health services globally, and
To foster international professional development, networking, communication, mentoring and friendship among psychologists and allied mental health professionals and social scientists.
Our History
The International Council of Psychologists, Inc.(ICP) celebrated 75 years as a pioneering professional association in December 2016. ICP’s three name changes reflect the inclusive, innovative, and collaborative nature envisioned by those who established the National Council of Women Psychologists in the USA in 1941. In 1946, the name was changed to International Council of Women psychologists and women psychologists from all nations were invited to share in furthering the advancement of scientific psychology and its applications throughout the world.
In 1959, when membership was opened to all psychologists, the name became The International Council of Psychologists. This expansion enabled ICP to broaden its mission, range of activities, and membership.
In 1962, ICP became incorporated in Connecticut as a 501C3 non-profit educational organization. ICP was granted Non-Governmental Consultative Status to The United Nations Economic and Social Council in 1981. ICP’s Main UN Representative now sits on the CoNGO board.
ICP leaders appoint committees to address professional and liaisons to international and national professional organizations. These committees provide opportunities for members to collaborate with other associations on matters of professional interest.
Downloadable Documents:
ICP Pace University, New York, NY. Dr. Florence Denmark speaks to Pace University graduate students about the International Council of Psychologist on May 8, 2010, during their International Day Conference. The program was designed by Dr. Mercedes McCormick, former ICP Chair of Continuing Education. Among the other ICP members participating in the program included Dr. Richard Velayo, Dr. Harold Takooshian, and Dr. Nancy Sidun.