International Psychologist June 2014 Issue

We certainly hope that you enjoy your latest International Psychologist! Inside you’ll find information about your organization, members and the international community.
LAST CALL FOR 2014 SPRING ELECTION VOTES! Deadline is midnight, June 30, 2014 (US-EST) to get your dues paid and your votes in!
For those who responded to the emailed Last Call earlier this week, thank you very much!! In the years that I have validated your elections (since 2011) this is the best response ever! 47% of eligible members have now submitted votes! And, valued members have renewed their memberships now that our on line payment struggles are resolved.
If you have any troubles opening this file through your email, you can also read the newsletters and journals at the website! Just visit and then you can find the issues posted there. They should open faster in your Internet browser.
Wishing all a wonderful summer!
Thank you!
Nancy Quatrano
Production Editor ICP Publications