ICP Annual Call for Award Nominations

The International Council of Psychologists Annual Call for Award Nomination
The International Council of Psychologists (ICP) welcomes nominations for its 2016 awards:
The Fukuhara Advanced International Research and Service Award is given to a mid-career or senior level psychologist with distinguished contributions to international psychology in research and service. For nomination and/inquiries, please contact Dr. Ann Marie O’Roark, annoroark@bellsouth.net
The Frances Mullen Distinguished Contribution to International Psychology Award is presented to honor a member of the ICP who has a long and distinguished history of research or applied contributions to one or more international areas. For nomination and/inquiries, please contact Dr. Anna Laura Comunian, annalaura.comunian@unipd.it
The Seisoh Sukemune/Bruce Bain Encouragement of Early Career Research Award recognizes outstanding early career contributions to scholarly endeavors addressing psychological issues of a universal or multinational significance. For nomination and/inquiries, please contact Dr. Cecilia Cheng, ceccheng@hku.hk
The Denmark-Grunwald Feminist Research and Service Award is presented to honor a member of the ICP who has the history of research and service that directly benefits the health, promotion, and well-being of women in the work. For nomination and/inquiries, please contact Dr. Donna Goetz, donnag@elmhurst.edu
The Dayan-O’Roark In-Absentia Research and Graduate Student Poster Awards are presented to encourage participation by those students who are unable to attend the ICP conference and want to present their work. Posters remain on display throughout the entire conference. For nomination and/inquiries, please contact Dr. Anna Laura Comunian, annalaura.comunian@unipd.it