ICP Nomination Call for Award

The International Council of Psychologists Nomination Call for Award
Distinguished Contribution Award: Frances Mullen Award Submission Deadline: May 20, 2016
This award is presented to honour a member of the ICP who has a long and distinguished history of research or applied contributions to one or more of international areas. Previous recipients include Dr. Frances Mullen, first ICP Secretary General; Dr. Elisa Margaona, Mexico, Dr. Frances Culbertson, USA and Ann O’ Roark former president of ICP.
Nominees must be (a) either 20 years past the granting of their doctoral degree or at least 50 years old at the time of nomination, and (b) a Member of ICP. The award recipient will be asked to serve on a committee to select subsequent award winners.
Anyone, including a candidate him or herself, may nominate an ICP member for the award. Nomination material includes: (a) nominee's curriculum vitae and (b) name, address, phone, fax, and email of nominator and nominee. Please send your letter of nomination and address any queries to: Dr. Anna Laura Comunian, e-mail: annalaura.comunian@unipd.it